Yay giveaway from Mel! ..and me ranting abt being sick

The wonderful lady Mel is having a give away! :D
I love her :3
I'm sorry I'm a bit out of it right now. I have had a cold for the past few days :[ 
Sore throats r so not fun. When I get them, I always get them BAD. 
it's weird cuz when I lay down to sleep....I can't sleep because it gets worse & hurts more!! starts to sting...
EVEN AFTER DOING ALL THIS: drank 1 cup of coffee, drank 2 cups of tea w/ lemon, gargled warm water/salt MULTIPLE times, sucked on a lime.
i'm cursed when it comes to sore throats.
i feel so weak since i woke up today :/ just carrying stuff drains me :[ it suckssss ahhh...

6 swarovski crystals:

Elana said...

Don't drink coffee for sore throat! I believe the strong caffeine can irritate your throat even further. Add honey to your tea! Honey instead of sugar (or with whichever you prefer) really soothes the throat more! Honey has antibacterial properties, so it's good for it =). When I had strep I sat around eating spoonfuls of it, even though I didn't like the taste very much -.-. Feel better!

Lulu said...

get well soon!!!

giang said...

feeel betttter soon!

Maeve Rachel said...

Hope you feel better soon!! I get them too!! Last winter I managed to get strep throat twice and tonsilitis once -__- cursed!! Try refrain from talking as much as possible (and I know it's hard!!! but it really helps) and having honey whether its just a spoonful on its own or in tea! I'd avoid caffeine as it will just dehydrate you and cause your body to be weak and not be able to focus and target healing your throat =)

Fabulously Thrifty said...

Mel loves you too lol.

I hope you're feeling better sweets <3

peggy aplSEEDS said...

sending healing prayers your way. get well soon!